T H E S T Y L E F I L E S !

A planned US roadtrip, William Gedney's artwork and the idea of LSD all inspired and influenced J W ANDERSONS s/s 11 collection.
For the first time he showed his subliminially undertoned menswear and sexy as hell womanswear together. The beautiful youth became apparent throughout this showstoppaaa! With fragile and demolished undertones the chaos amongst the beauty soon became apparent. WE LOVE YOU ANDERSON.

Photos from:

W H A T W E W A N T !

I normally despise the droning sound of an acoustic guitar and once threatened someone at a party that if they even bothered getting out 'that fucking guitar' I'd glass them (I had emptied way too many glasses myself). Despite this intresting, boring if not a little GBH fact I found that Burberry's LFW S/S 2010 has released an acoustic album on iTunes. Like I said i normally FUCKING HATE acoustic music but this was actually a lot less droning and a lot more...I dunno, it was an easy and enjoyable listen either way.


N E W P O W E R S T U D I O @ M E N S D A Y @ L F W

As if the children with the covered eyes on the FRONT ROW of the Le Mindu show wern't enough, new power show decided to shove them all on the run way....although I'm sure that's Naomi Campbell...

A R C K I V W O R K W E A R F O R T H E M O D E R N M A N !

The 'unique retail concept' that is Arckiv famous for it's extensive collection of 'vintage sunglasses, spectacles and goggles' has produced and released a menswear collection to coincide with MENS DAY at LFW. The sterile, museum like nature of anything and everything to do with arckiv is enough to leave me bleeding at the mouth. I FUCKING WANT IT ALL.

C h a r l i e L e M i n d u @ L F W

Rhiannon Jones (designer Bloshie)
Patrick Church ( Artist)
Andrea Merlot (Blogger and designer)
John Allan (Blogger)

A M A N D A W A K E L E Y @ L F W

By no means was this the best nor the worst show s/s 2011 a bit neutral, a bit safe but i happen to know first had that this woman makes the most beautifully tailored, most wonderful fucking head over heels fantastic coats in the UK. They fit women like a timeless coat should. If you don't believe me get to your nearest shop and shove them all on at once and you'll still have a silhouette to die for! Guarenteed!

S A S S & B I D E 17/9/10 @ L F W

Admittadly the brand known as Sass and Bide has come along way since their one hit wonder of the leather trouser, pvc legging 'lauren conrad! hills! whatever!' but i can't help but feel this brand is made up of two very comfortable women who picked out very 'sweet' fabric swatches from a very 'sweet' boutique blah blah blah. You get the idea. They seem to play everything so safe. Like lost house wife's of melbourne at fashion week. No thank you Sass and Bide.

Ozwald Boateng - Why Style Matters part 1

T O D D L Y N N S/S 2010 @ L F W

Todd Lynn needs to stop it now (totally ironically of course). How can tailoring so sharp be so androgynous and how can androgyny keep getting sexier and sexier. What's so wonderful about Todd Lynn and androgyny is that his menswear and womenswear blend into a complete state of euphoria all over my closet (in my state of euphoria my closet is full of Todd Lynn...). Another thing is how a collection made up of totally neutral colours has become so show stoppingly exciting. I'm dying for you Todd, please never stop. ever (irony is now over by the way).


B u r b e r r y P r o r s u m C o n t.

What amazed me this year was how outstanding their mens collection was, I mean i've never had a 'versace of 94' episode with it but in my eyes it out shone their womens collection completely. With show stopping jackets, sexy tailoring and LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER; what's not too like? (Despite the questionable sandles...on the right person). Christopher Bailey you drive me crazy. Long live Prorsum.

Y o u D r i v e M e C r a z y C h r i s t o p h e r B a i l e y

Burberry Prorsum @ LFW 21/9/10 16.00

If theres one thing we can all agree on it's that Burberry is a power brand, a brand that reigns amongst all others, but to be honest the one thing that really gets me going for the brand is how fantastically their campaigns and shows are styled 100% of the time. FOR EXAMPLE:

I N E E D !

One night when i was out i got given a card of a woman in a club. i know exactly how it sounds. i searched for this card for ages because she said she was a buyer at a shop in marylebone specialising in mens jewellery. i can not stress how important this is as im usually to plastered to remember i got given cards or as a last resort i leave my bag in the taxi. any way i found this clown skull necklace which i need. so much amazing jewellery at www.kabiri.co.uk now everyone GO FORTH AND BUY NICE NECKLACES.

jean-pierre braganza after party @ LFW

me and my brother @ jean-pierre

photo from stylescanner.com

A L L I W A N T F O R X M A S I S...

I n T h e S t u d i o

Le Mindu Here I come. One Human hair jacket coming right up straight from sometimes we exist! I will definately keep you posted when the jacket is complete!

F a s h i o n W e e k 1 9 / 9 / 10

The 19th of september to me could only mean one thing, C H A R L I E L E M I N D U. After last years rat carcuss escepades, I for one couldn't wait for the rural french hairdresser to inject some disgust into the gums of those pretentious front rowers. NICE WIGS, NICE SHOES, NICE TITS. That is all i have to say...and also Le Mindu; YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!

L o n d o n F u c k i n g F a s h i o n W e e k

After reviewing the collections for S/S 2011 at LFW I've come to realise that london has become sophisticated, even the shabby, shocking east london gaga's have aquired a certain determination to themselves. This proves nowhere more so than in the clothes. 1 2 3...London pulls it off again, we may do pixie geldof but we can do Donatella aswell. The thing with Londoners are that they can dress better than anyone else in the world. Other capital cities are constantly reinventing 'the london look' but london has never quite caught on to what everyone else is doing, this is maybe because we can't or maybe because we don't fucking want to. Either way it's got the rest of the world falling at our feet.

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