s h o r t l i s t e d !

here are the top 5 places in te big smoke smetimes we exist just can not get enough of!

NUMERO UNO : old hat. 66 fulham highstreet, sw6 3lq.

for every man woman or child who buys vintage clothing we all know there are some gems and there are also some of the shittest shops around. But fear no more (men anyway) old hat on fullham road caters for the modern man with the not so modern clothing fetish! full of amazing vinatage menswear, without a scrap of shit, top shelf bargain bin to be found.

NUMBER TWO: 59. 59 Broadwick street, w1f 9qq

we all know swe has a thing for concept stores, galleries, clothing blah blah blah. well 59 is one step ahead or so it seems. with the most exquisite lines you better be careful where you stand because for all you know you're probaby ripping down an instillation piece.
NUMBER THREE: annies vintage costumes and textiles. 12 camden passage, n18ed.

ok so old hat was specifically for men but copy and paste that passage, replace the word man with woman and throw in a couple of show stoppin' dresses and you have annies. another protest in the war against shit vintage shops in london.
NUMBER FOUR: matches marylebone. 87 marylebone highstreet, w1u 4qu.

This is my preferred matches store as it seems so much more relaxed. the clothes follow this mantra as it's somewhere you can go to buy easy to wear, amazing quality, beautiful clothing. it really is that simple. admitadly the price tag is not, but whats a week without eating going to do when you're wearing a beautiful coat?
NUMBER FIVE: hoxton boutique. 2 hoxton street, n1 6ng.
this is one of my favourites, not only for its stocking of the most inovative designers but the shop just has a nice feel. your relaxed, you actulally can be bothered to shop in here. theres really not much else to say..it gives you the will to carry on...literally.

g a l l i a n o // p a r i s // s/s 11

when it comes to galliano, we can all agree that there is no designer more exclusive, glamorous and romantic. what i think is most interesting though is how his clothes always look better in pictures off the runway than on. the idea of story telling runs parallel between the clothing and the situation they are in....here are backstage photos from his s/s 2011 collection taken by anna bauer for interview magazine.

t h e r e ' s s o m e t h i n g a b o u t m i s s j o n e s !

Rhiannon Jones is a designer with her studio in the east of LANDAN CITY! i met her at fashion week and from the off you can understand how she could be a fantastic designer. It's not ironic that her labels named bolshie as she herself isn't one to hold back but in the most charming way. She's just released an amazing s/s 11 collection with some fucking outstanding accesories aswell as wonderfully innovative and exciting pieces to go along with!

she's definately one to watch with her collections stocked in machine-a! There is definately something about miss jones!

g o i n g i n t o b a t t l e i n s t y l e !

British fashion has always been increasingly innovative andsuper super exciting, it's something we never take serious but would sell our own mothers for. Go a month without eating to buy a new bag or re-mortgage the house to get a pair of shoes it doesn't matter how we show it or infact how serious we are about it. Sometimes we exist was created to give a more light hearted source of information for only the sexiest designers and artists. This post has definateyl detoured, the only thing i really wanted to write was...YOU WANT NICE SHOES WE GIVE YA NICE SHOES! YA WANNA NICE HELMET...YOU FUCKING GOT ONE! WWW.ROBGOODWIN.CO.UK GO ON YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!

A s g e r J u e l L a r s e n !

My new favourite designer. Look at the lookbook for s/s 2011...you'll regret it if you don't!

W E L O V E!

My new favourite jeweller...Lina Osterman. I don't care where she's from, what she's studied or what language she speaks...to me this womans jewellery is London personified, a bit rough, a bit dangerous but really amazing aswell. My favourites being her feathers from s/s 2010! Check her out now.... LINA OSTERMAN ONLINE !

t e r r y & l i l y !


w h a t t o w e a r s / s 11 !!

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls etc... the one thing that is finally begining to happen is the fact that mens clothes are now just as good as if not better (in some cases) as womens. The influx of sexy tailoring, pure androgony and middle fingers to the generics has produced nicer clothes than ever for the modern man, not to mention the sudden sense of freedom...
Here are my top 5 things we will be wearing s/s 11...Sorbet hair, an amazing blazer, adrogynous shorts, a beautiful big jacket and a fucking nice jumper....SEE YOU NEXT SEASON!

S O N G O F T H E M O N T H !

Ok so it's old but it's also really fucking good! Ibought this album originally like 5 years ago i swear and then found it again to my intense happiness. They've also brought out a re-mixed album which is even better. Despite all this, the song on the album that really does it for me is TITS AND ACID. Simian Mobile Disco: Attack Decay Sustain Release

I N E E D . . .

About a million seasons on and i still want them...

D E S I G N E R O F T H E M O N T H !


Theres not much else to say other than this designer has go it just right. By fusing menswear and womenswear as one he produces the sexiest, scariest and most beautiful androgynous fusion, I want a wardrobes worth...AND SO WILL YOU!

S H O P O F T H E M O N T H !

Ok so i've only been in once but that was enough to know that MACHINE A of soho was the place to be! I was welcomed in with the biggest most beautiful fucking fur coat ever, a charlie le mindu head piece (including 2 dead mice) thrown on the side and studs, studs and more studs! Enough said!


W H A T I N E E D !!

Despite being slightly biased to one of my favourite designers of all time, this is why i'm still mad for margiella 10 years since i got his fossilised cockroach keyring in ma stockin at x-mas!

We all know it's gonna be fucking freezing and whilst my arms will suffer the pain my torso will remain very very happy!

I W A S G O I N G T O W R I T E...

But then i realised i needed a fucking raspberry martini so i'm going out. SEE YOU LATA!

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